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Staff Directory

Patrick Birdsong, Principal

Monika Van Baren, Vice Principal

Pritika Sharma, Vice Principal

Kim Thomas, School Secretary

Josephine Trajeco, School Secretary

Elizabeth Skalland, School Secretary

Ann-Marie Snow, Attendance Technician

(916) 567-5550

Natomas Middle School has high-quality staff members who work very hard to provide each student with a rigorous curriculum, personalized attention as well as fun and exciting co/extra-curricular activities.

Therefore, it is each student’s responsibility to attend each of his/her classes every day on time. The primary consideration is to receive a quality education. All studies regarding student attendance point toward the same result, “Good attendance has a strong correlation with student performance!”

Clearing Absences

Parents/guardians, please notify the Attendance office at 916-567-5550 to clear all absences. Please include the following information:

  • Student’s full legal name (please print name clearly)
  • The day(s) and date(s) of absence(s)
  • Reason for the absence
  • Caller’s/writer’s name and the relationship to the student
  • Home and work phone numbers
  • All absences not cleared within 72 hours of the student’s return will be considered a truancy.
  • Students will be given make-up work for excused absences. Students are required to turn in all make-up work within 48 hours after each day of an excused absence. Please be aware that not all absences will be excused.

Below are the 8 reasons for an excused absence:

Excusable Absences

The Education Code lists the following as the only legal excuses for absences from school:

1. Personal Illness: The school may require certification from a doctor if it is deemed advisable. (After 5 or more days of absence due to illness, a note from a doctor is required)

2. Quarantine in the Home: An absence arising from this condition is limited to the length of quarantine as fixed by county or city health officer.

3. Death of a Relative: For the purpose of attending the funeral services of a member of the immediate family. One day for in-state, and three days for out of state.

4. Medical Appointment: Services rendered include medical, dental, optometry or chiropractic. Any student absence due to a doctor or dental appointment must be cleared with written proof of the appointment from the doctor or dental office.

5. School Activity

6. In School Suspension

7. Jury Duty/Court Appearance

8. Short Term Independent Study

Closed Campus

Natomas Middle School is a closed campus, which means that students are not permitted to leave school once the school day has started. Students who leave campus without permission will receive truancies for the periods missed and may receive a home suspension for a period of 1 to 5 days of depending upon the severity of the offense.

Early Dismissal

Appointments: To leave the school during class time or between classes, a student should bring a note from the parent/guardian, prior to the beginning of the school day, stating the reason for leaving and the time to be dismissed from school (or school staff must be able to reach the parent/guardian by phone in order to secure permission to leave school).

Markus Benjamin, Academic Counselor

Health Office: (916) 567-5547

Vacant, Library Media Technician

Kaylan CholewaSchool Psychologist